BSAFE 4 Ent industry brings new opportunities to enhance Atmospheres within Communities across the globe. Offerings of entertainment industry edification programs bringing humanity and entertainment to a new light!
B.S.A.F.E. is a California Non-Profit Program developed to build safer atmospheres in our communities, and its atmospheres spot lights such as night clubs, sports bars, restaurants, entertainment settings, etc., developing a strong Entertainment following through music & entertainment industry.
B.S.A.F.E. has been building a foundation to stop the violence before it occurs. To cultivate teens & young adults through the entertainment industry, building opportunities through B.S.A.F.E. edification programs to prevent violence within our community entertainment venues and facilities. By assisting teen & young adults from crisis communities & reconstruction programs such as at risk teens, low icome communities, disfunctional families, parolees, etc

Anali Marie Mims
Program Development, Program Leader Trainer & Teen Mentor

Kieth Robinson
Vice President
Executive Director, Marketing & Development Director, Community Outreach Coordinator

Julieanne Salazar
Community Program Development, and Corp Ent Branding & Public Relations

Wayne Royale
Community Activist, Personality Host, Program Publisher, & Ent Industry Executive.

Salisa Green
Legal Secretary
Community Fundraising Program Facilitator, & Grant Writer.